Application Format
Applications should be brief, no more than 3 pages (including budget information and any references), and written with the understanding that they will be reviewed by a panel of faculty from a variety of departments across campus that will most likely not include specialists in the field of study. Applications should therefore include a description which is accessible to someone who is not an expert in the given field that also provides some details of the proposed work. Applications must include a brief budget and justification. Some best estimates of costs such as travel and lodging are acceptable, but they should be based as nearly as possible on current rates. You can work with your department to identify costs for research assistants and/or summer salary. The maximum award is $50,000, although most awards are expected to be in the $10,000 to $25,000 range. Applications should indicate all other sources of support being received. Faculty with significant multi-year early career awards (e.g. NSF Early Career award) are not eligible for this program. The fellowship award period begins on July 1 of the year in which the fellowship is awarded. Formatting note: please use a font no smaller than 11pt and reasonable margins.
Faculty must be in their seventh to eleventh quarter of service at the assistant professor rank (i.e., by July 1, 2025 have completed at least six full quarters of service [generally two years], but less than twelve quarters [generally four years]).
Faculty who plan to come up for tenure in 2025-26 are not eligible to apply for the award. If you are not sure whether or not you will be coming up for tenure early in 2025-26, please discuss with your department chair prior to applying. Faculty awarded the Hellman fellowship who apply for tenure during the year they hold the award are expected to relinquish the award and return all funds. Please direct questions about service credit and eligibility to the Academic Personnel Office at
Please submit your application via email to Applications for 2025 are due by 5:00 pm on Friday, February 28.
The quality of the research proposed is the most important criterion for selection. Awards are made without regard to the apparent timeliness or popularity of the field of study. Preference may be given to research not supported by major outside grants (e.g. NSF Career Award). A faculty member may only receive one award from this program.
Awards may be used for any research related-expenses. They can be used for no more than one month of summer salary, and not for any other form of faculty salary. Awards may be used for salaries for students or research assistants, or for equipment or travel.
There is no overhead charged to this award. Awards are for one year with expenditures expected during that period, although a one-year extension can be applied for. Award recipients are required to spend all funds by June 30th before submission of their tenure case to their department.
Recipients agree to attend a luncheon meeting (which may be scheduled every other year) and share their work with the Hellman Family Fund trustees.
For questions about the program or the application process, contact Associate Campus Provost for Academic Success Jody Greene at