Additional units with reporting lines to the campus provost and executive vice chancellor:
Administrative Policy

This website provides resources and information on UCSC policy and procedure. It is designed to help members of the campus community make decisions and streamline administrative processes that conform with official campus policies and procedures.
Athletics & Recreation

The department’s mission is to provide a wide variety of professional programs and physical activities. The goal is to enrich the educational experience by encouraging comprehensive health and lifelong wellness through physical activity, building community, and cultivating leadership.
UC Santa Cruz sponsors 17 teams in NCAA Division III. Operating as one department, Athletics and Recreation also offers a robust array of recreational programs designed to serve UC Santa Cruz students, faculty and staff, retirees, alumni, and local community members, including sailing and boating opportunities at the Boating Center, aquatics programming including open swim, outdoor programs with Adventure Rec, 29 Sport Clubs, Intramural Sports, and focused PE courses.
Budget Analysis & Planning

Budget Analysis and Planning is a strategic and analytical unit responsible for advising and supporting the chancellor, campus provost and executive vice chancellor, and the campus in the areas of academic and institutional resources, financial and budgetary policy and planning, fiscal administration, and information services. BAP develops and maintains relevant databases, provides analyses of policies and programs, assists campus decision-makers as they determine campus priorities, and helps develop strategies designed to achieve these priorities.
Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurial Development

CIED collaborates with academic, government, community and business partners in Santa Cruz, Silicon Valley, California and across the USA to foster inclusive innovation, venture creation, and education. The center is a hub for entrepreneurs, startups, investors, mentors, innovation educators, and strategic industry experts.
Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution Services provides professional consultation, mediation and training to members of the UCSC community. Its emphasis is on prevention, effective management, and informal resolution of conflict at all levels. All services are free, voluntary and confidential.
Institutional Research, Assessment & Policy Studies

IRAPS is the primary office for the collection and analysis of statistical information regarding students, faculty, and staff. This information is used to support regular, ongoing, internal, and external reviews. IRAPS also conducts policy outcomes analyses that directly support the offices of the Chancellor, Executive Vice Chancellor, and planners at all other levels of the campus.
Records & Information Management

UC Santa Cruz creates and maintains information (both paper and electronic) while managing the activities that are central to the University of California’s mission of teaching, research, and public service. The University of California Records Management Program governs the ownership, roles and responsibilities, protection, use, retention and disposal of university business records.
The Office of the CP/EVC works closely with:
Academic Senate

CP/EVC Lori Kletzer is the liaison with UCSC’s Academic Senate and the Office of the President of the University of California. The UC Academic Senate shares governance with the Board of Regents of the University of California in that it is charged with direct control over academic matters, including authorizing, approving, and supervising courses, conditions for admissions, certificates and degrees.
In addition to their governance role in academic matters, on the Santa Cruz campus the Academic Senate makes recommendations, advises on campus administrative decisions, and coordinates academic program development with the CP/EVC.