The Advisory Committee on Campus Planning and Stewardship (CPS) provides a forum to review capital plans and projects for the UCSC main campus, 2300 Delaware Avenue, Coastal Science Campus, Mt. Hamilton, MBEST, the Silicon Valley Center and off-campus leased properties. This includes space plans, capital improvement programs, long range development plans, master plans, area studies, site analysis, infrastructure capacity studies, individual projects that are either part of the plan or represent new opportunities, and building design. The committee will also review the annual housing plan, the annual report on mitigation measures from the current LRDP EIR, off-campus leases, property acquisitions, requests for the allocation or reallocation of space, and debt capacity analysis.
The main element of all CPS reviews and recommendations will be to correlate land use, proposed projects, and program goals to ensure that campus lands, facilities and leased properties are optimized to meet the objectives of the institution. The reviews and recommendations should include a risk analysis of any trade off that may result from the plan or project.
There are five subcommittees, as follows:
- Academic Space Plan Task Force (ASPTF)
- Classroom Subcommittee
- Design Advisory Board
- Physical Security and Safety Advisory Committee (PSSAC)
- Wayfinding Workgroup
- Assistant Vice Provost, Silicon Valley Initiatives
- Associate Vice Chancellor, Physical Planning and Construction
- Dean, Arts
- Dean, Humanities
- Dean, Physical and Biological Sciences
- Dean, School of Engineering
- Dean, Social Sciences
- Director, Capital Planning & Space Management
- Representative, Academic Senate Committee on Planning and Budget (CPB)
- Representative, Graduate Student
- Representative, Undergraduate Student (2)
- University Librarian
- Vice Chancellor, Division of Finance, Operations and Administration
- Vice Chancellor, Information Technology Services
- Vice Chancellor, Planning and Budget
- Vice Chancellor, Research
- Vice Chancellor, University Relations
- Vice Provost, Academic Affairs
- Vice Provost, Global Engagement
- Vice Provost, Student Success
- Vice Provost/Dean, Graduate Studies
- Vice Provost/Dean, Undergraduate Education