Beyond Compliance is an initiative begun to define concrete mechanisms that administrators and faculty can adopt, above and beyond what is required by law or policy, to address sexual violence and sexual harassment (SVSH) on campus. Led by Patty Gallagher, Academic Senate chair, the initiative aims to improve responses to SVSH on campus and reduce its likelihood through educational outreach, the development of best practices, and policy reform recommendations.
Beyond Compliance is a joint administrative-Senate initiative co-chaired by a representative from each. It is guided by a working group with representatives from the Academic Senate, Academic Employee Relations, Employee and Labor Relations, Title IX Office, Campus Advocacy Resources and Education (CARE), Student Union Assembly (SUA), and Graduate Student Assembly (GSA) as well as three faculty-at-large. An advisory council, open to all interested parties, provides feedback on initiatives and priorities to the working group and also contributes to advancing the annual initiatives of Beyond Compliance.
Some recent highlights of the group’s work include:
- Started working on a speaker’s series on “Contesting Institutional Inaction,” “Holding Researchers Accountable,” “Creating Ethical Field Sites,” and “Joining Forces with Student Activists.”
- Finalized the guide, “Best Practices for Graduate Students Impact by SVSH,” and sent it to the Division of Graduate Studies for review.
- Began work on a Faculty Ambassadors Program.
- Hired an undergraduate intern to work on special projects between Beyond Compliance and the new Office of Equity and Equal Protection.